The ring-rider
Title and year
The ring-rider, 1991
Nikolaus Wehding, 1932-2018
In the grounds of Brundlund Slot, off Dronning Margrethesvej, Aabenraa.
Visitors to South Jutland find ring-riding quite an exotic local spectacle. Meanwhile, long-time residents consider the region’s numerous ring-rider events and tournaments to be a natural part of life, just like the local cabbage sausages and crisp knepkage biscuits. The great cultural importance of ring-riding is evidenced by the many sculptural interpretations of such activities seen throughout the South Jutland region.
Wehding’s sculpture shows a ring-rider urging his horse into action. The dynamism is clear, and anyone familiar with this popular South Jutland sport is aware that in just a moment the rider must try to run his lance through a small ring suspended high above. The rider who captures the most rings is celebrated as the king or queen of the tournament.
Wehding used a figurative, classical artistic idiom in his works, most often with humans and animals as his theme. He did many commissions for public artworks, several of which are found in his home town of Aabenraa.