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Standing woman

Title and year
Standing woman (1939), unveiled 1986 


Erling Frederiksen, 1910-1994

On the corner of Østergade og Hærvejen, Rødekro.


Erling Frederiksen, whose oeuvre includes paintings, graphic art, and sculptures, was a realist. His work was unpretentious, and it was closely, almost intimately linked to the sort of motifs he preferred to portray: ordinary people getting on with their daily lives and work – for better and for worse.

He had already finished Standing woman as early as 1939, but it was not cast as a sculpture until 1985, when the Danish Arts Foundation granted the financing and gifted the sculpture to what was then the Municipality of Rødekro. True to form, his motif in this sculpture is a robust, universal figure of an ordinary woman, which, in Frederiksen’s rendition, has a monumental quality that unites composure with an attentive readiness.