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Title and year
Marie, 1994


Trine Maria Høy, b. 1965

The children’s day-care centre Børnehaven Mariehønen, Lergård 2, Aabenraa


Each morning, the children who attend the day-care centre Mariehønen (“the ladybird”) are greeted by the low, rounded stone sculpture that stands on a small mound outside the entrance. They love to climb around on it and play.

This sculpture can take lots of wear and tear, for its creator, Trine Maria Høy, chose to use natural rock. Actually, she found a sizeable boulder and changed very little in its naturally rounded shape, except to chisel out a round head with the hair gathered back in a bun. Shallow indentations indicate the figure’s flexed arms, buttocks, and pendulous breasts, which all follow its curved shape. The facial features are indicated subtly and simply, like a historical echo that harks back to the archaic figures of antiquity.

The hinted, indistinct features allow many different interpretations. Among the children and adults who come to Mariehønen daily, some think of the sculpture as the centre’s own granny; or as a pregnant woman; or just as delightful, round-bodied Marie, whose bosom is big enough to sit on.

Marie was the first work Trine Maria Høy made for a public space, and it was purchased by the Aabenraa arts council specifically for the Mariehønen day-care centre.