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Title and year
Freedom, 2021

Natural stones

Carina Zunino, b. 1974 & Lena Ignestam, b. 1965 / Zunino Ignestam Studio

CampusParken, Aabenraa


Freedom is a sculptural work created by the artists Carina Zunino and Lena Ignestam. It is important to the artists that their sculptures fit in as a natural part of their particular location. That is why in developing Freedom they have involved various parties, including the students’ own campus council, in a number of workshops about life on campus. These have resulted in a narrative about Aabenraa from a student perspective, which is about being free and in motion.

In their work with Freedom, the artists have been inspired by the students’ narrative and, not least, by the geometrical motifs of the artist Franciska Clausen, . Their sculpture is made from five types of strong, beautiful natural stone, hence blending in as a decorative, organic element among the lawns and trees between the schools and colleges of the Aabenraa campus.

The natural stones are cut into straight, 6-metre-long lines laid close together. These lines are individual slabs which, together, constitute a sculptural whole. From each line, a circle emerges upwards, like the Sun rising slowly above the horizon and spreading the light of a new day. Always in motion. Always on its way.

This sculpture was funded by the campus schools and colleges of Aabenraa; the charitable foundations Sydbank Fonden and Fabrikant Mads Clausens Fond; the Danish Arts Foundation; and Aabenraa Municipality.